
AiCuris Anti-infective Cures AG

Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 475
Building 302
D-42117 Wuppertal Germany
Phone: +49 (0)202 317 63 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)202 317 63 - 1177

Commercial register
HRB 31630 Wuppertal

DE 300617078

Executive Board
Larry Edwards, CEO
Dr. Sabrina Kuttruff-Coqui, CFO

Supervisory Board
Dr. Stefan Oschmann (Chairman)

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Corporate Design & Graphics
© 2022 AiCuris Anti-infective Cures AG
realized by GV Design

© 2022 AiCuris Anti-infective Cures AG
realized by cekom GmbH